Setting Health Goals Is Only the First Step

I used to tell myself that I would dedicate myself to getting healthy "later," but "later" never came. I ate very unhealthy foods and always told myself I would start eating healthier "tomorrow." I needed to start exercising, but I would tell myself I would join the gym "next month." When I reached a milestone birthday, I realized that I had set so many health goals that had come and gone in the past decade and had to finally get serious about getting healthy. I then began researching health tips online and found quite a few that inspired me to finally start eating healthy and getting into shape. I still have a ways to go, but I am finally now on the way to achieving my goals! I know so many health blogs inspired me, so I decided to create one of my own to share my health tips on!

Should You Consult With A Neurology Specialist?

5 December 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Any issue that calls for consultations with a neurology specialist has the potential to be serious. Consequently, it's important to know when you should seek neurological care. If you're worried about any of the following 5 problems, it's time to contact a nervous system specialist. Headaches  Everyone gets headaches, but people shouldn't suffer from severe ones regularly. If you feel constant headaches or especially sharp ones, you need to talk with a brain specialist. Read More …

Annual Testing Men Should Consider

24 October 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Everyone should have a regular medical exam each year to check up on their health and ensure there are no underlying issues. These annual exams are key to catching any major health problems early enough to treat them before they get out of hand. Both men and women have specific sets of exams they should receive. Men in particular should have a series of tests each year to potentially avoid certain issues specific to them. Read More …

How To Massage Your Sinuses For Relief

22 September 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you have clogged sinuses, you probably will try almost anything to get some relief. One way to help clear your sinuses is by giving yourself a sinus massage. This is an easy way to help drain the fluid from your nasal passages and breathe more easily. Here is what you need to do: Clear Your Frontal Sinuses The frontal sinuses are near your forehead above your eyes. To clear this area, place both of your index fingers above your eyebrows near the center of your forehead. Read More …

Mental Fatigue: Can A Health And Wellness Talk Show Help You?

23 August 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you suffer from severe mental fatigue on a daily basis, you may feel alone in your situation. If your family and friends don't want to talk about your condition, you may feel even more alone in life. You can find the companionship, guidance, and understanding you need through a health and wellness talk show. Learn more about mental fatigue and how a health and wellness talk show can help you get through it below. Read More …

What To Know When Your Optometrist Dilates Your Pupils

19 July 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Optometrists are eye care professionals who test and correct your vision and can diagnose, treat, and help manage any changes in your vision. As part of an eye exam, your optometrist will likely place medication drops into each eye to cause the pupils to dilate, or enlarge. A wide-open pupil allows your optometrist to better examine the inside of the eye. Read on for more information about this intriguing process. Read More …

About Me
Setting Health Goals Is Only the First Step

I used to tell myself that I would dedicate myself to getting healthy "later," but "later" never came. I ate very unhealthy foods and always told myself I would start eating healthier "tomorrow." I needed to start exercising, but I would tell myself I would join the gym "next month." When I reached a milestone birthday, I realized that I had set so many health goals that had come and gone in the past decade and had to finally get serious about getting healthy. I then began researching health tips online and found quite a few that inspired me to finally start eating healthy and getting into shape. I still have a ways to go, but I am finally now on the way to achieving my goals! I know so many health blogs inspired me, so I decided to create one of my own to share my health tips on!
