Setting Health Goals Is Only the First Step

I used to tell myself that I would dedicate myself to getting healthy "later," but "later" never came. I ate very unhealthy foods and always told myself I would start eating healthier "tomorrow." I needed to start exercising, but I would tell myself I would join the gym "next month." When I reached a milestone birthday, I realized that I had set so many health goals that had come and gone in the past decade and had to finally get serious about getting healthy. I then began researching health tips online and found quite a few that inspired me to finally start eating healthy and getting into shape. I still have a ways to go, but I am finally now on the way to achieving my goals! I know so many health blogs inspired me, so I decided to create one of my own to share my health tips on!

A Few Questions Concerning Taking Colostrum Supplements

5 August 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

The needs of your body will undergo rapid and dramatic changes over the course of your life. You will need to make sure that you are meeting these needs as they arise. In particular, you may find that you would benefit from colostrum supplements. How Will Colostrum Help Your Body? Your body's ability to heal and fight off disease will depend on a number of complex systems within the body. To keep these vital body responses and systems functioning, there are numerous important factors that will trigger these responses. Read More …

Nanoknife Cancer Surgery: What Is It And When Is It Used?

22 July 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Cancer is one of the world's most prevalent and dangerous health problems. In 2017, an estimated 1,688,780 new cancer cases will occur in the USA. However, the rapid advancement of medical technology means that there now many treatment options available, which gives cancer suffers more chance of recovery than ever before. One new treatment that has recently gained popularity is Nanoknife surgery: What is Nanoknife Cancer Surgery? Nanoknife cancer surgery is a relatively new type of cancer treatment. Read More …

3 Things To Know About Pink Eye

29 June 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Has your eye been irritated to the point of feeling as though there is something in it? If the condition seems to be getting worse, you might need to make a prompt appointment with a physician to find out what is causing the problem. It is possible that you have a condition called pink eye, which is highly contagious and must be treated by a professional if you want it to heal in a timely manner. Read More …

4 Things to Look for While Examining a Suspicious Mole on Your Skin

24 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Articles

If you have a mole on your skin that you feel looks different, you may be worried about it being skin cancer. Although different types of cancer can take on different appearances, there are four things in common you can look for while examining a suspicious-looking mole. Shape Of The Mole Looks Odd While looking at the mole, examine its shape. Normally, the edges of a mole are smooth and rounded. Read More …

Why HPV On Your Feet Does Not Equal Cancer In Your Future

24 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

The human papilloma virus, or HPV, has gotten a lot of air time lately. This particular HPV strain is an STD that, when left to its own, can cause cancer in both sex's genitals in the distant future. That said, you may find it disconcerting when your foot doctor tells you that you have HPV on your feet. You should know why HPV on your feet does not equal cancer in your future. Read More …

About Me
Setting Health Goals Is Only the First Step

I used to tell myself that I would dedicate myself to getting healthy "later," but "later" never came. I ate very unhealthy foods and always told myself I would start eating healthier "tomorrow." I needed to start exercising, but I would tell myself I would join the gym "next month." When I reached a milestone birthday, I realized that I had set so many health goals that had come and gone in the past decade and had to finally get serious about getting healthy. I then began researching health tips online and found quite a few that inspired me to finally start eating healthy and getting into shape. I still have a ways to go, but I am finally now on the way to achieving my goals! I know so many health blogs inspired me, so I decided to create one of my own to share my health tips on!
