Setting Health Goals Is Only the First Step

I used to tell myself that I would dedicate myself to getting healthy "later," but "later" never came. I ate very unhealthy foods and always told myself I would start eating healthier "tomorrow." I needed to start exercising, but I would tell myself I would join the gym "next month." When I reached a milestone birthday, I realized that I had set so many health goals that had come and gone in the past decade and had to finally get serious about getting healthy. I then began researching health tips online and found quite a few that inspired me to finally start eating healthy and getting into shape. I still have a ways to go, but I am finally now on the way to achieving my goals! I know so many health blogs inspired me, so I decided to create one of my own to share my health tips on!

Issues That Could Suggest You Have Degenerative Disc Disease

11 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Degenerative disc disease is a spinal condition in which one or more of the individual discs in your spine deteriorate over time, leading to pain. This medical condition often occurs during the aging process — the longer people live, the more their discs get worn down. However, degenerative disc disease can also bother younger people for a wide range of reasons. For example, injuries or prolonged periods of poor posture can heighten your risk of degenerative disc disease. Read More …

What Can Your Dental Examination Tell You?

8 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Without pain, many people find it easy to skip dental examinations and visits; that could be a mistake. Dental exams can provide you with information you need about your health, such as the details below. You Might Have a Few Cavities Typically, a cavity won't even cause any pain until a nerve is exposed or there is a bacterial infection. You could have at least one or two cavities without realizing it. Read More …

Prenatal Care When You Are Over 40

1 May 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Women over 40 have the ability to get pregnant and carry a healthy baby to full term. According to Fortune, women 40 – 44 accounted for 10.6 out of every 1,000 births in 2014. Women over 50 accounted for 743 births in the same year. A woman's fertility begins to rapidly decline after age 35, and this generally means that more prenatal care is necessary to ensure a healthy pregnancy throughout the term. Read More …

Having A War Of Words With Your Spouse? Ease The Tension With These Tips

24 April 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you and your spouse argue about anything and everything, it can eventually take a toll on your marriage. Although it's normal for couples to disagree on different things, a constant war of words can cause great harm to a relationship. But if you want to save your marriage, you can take steps to end the war with the tips below. Take Time Out Stress, anger, and even disappointment can all affect your marriage. Read More …

Drinking Of The Green: How Sipping Green Tea Is A Toast To Your Good Health

24 April 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Most individuals need a cup of java each morning to get their mojo moving. Many of these folks reach for additional caffeine indulgences throughout the day to keep them from falling into midday slumps of lethargy. If you want to curb your caffeine consumption but need that midday caffeine fix, consider making the switch from coffee to green tea as your afternoon sipper. Find out why green tea is a healthier choice, and learn some of the benefits that you can reap from at your next tea break. Read More …

About Me
Setting Health Goals Is Only the First Step

I used to tell myself that I would dedicate myself to getting healthy "later," but "later" never came. I ate very unhealthy foods and always told myself I would start eating healthier "tomorrow." I needed to start exercising, but I would tell myself I would join the gym "next month." When I reached a milestone birthday, I realized that I had set so many health goals that had come and gone in the past decade and had to finally get serious about getting healthy. I then began researching health tips online and found quite a few that inspired me to finally start eating healthy and getting into shape. I still have a ways to go, but I am finally now on the way to achieving my goals! I know so many health blogs inspired me, so I decided to create one of my own to share my health tips on!
