Lifestyle Changes And Treatments For Acid Reflux
If you live with acid reflux, which occurs when a small amount of stomach acid flows upwards through the esophagus, you know how this common condition can impact every aspect of your life. In addition to working with your doctor to find a prescription or over-the-counter medication that can help treat or alleviate your symptoms, other lifestyle changes and treatment options help you find relief.
Here are a few lifestyle changes and natural treatments that can help you combat your acid reflux.
Avoid Eating Heavy Meals Before Bed
Instead of eating a large meal and lying down to rest, avoid lying down or going to bed for several hours after dinner. When you consume a heavy meal and immediately lie down, it can trigger acid reflux and make it difficult for you to sleep. Instead, eat a light meal for dinner and wait for several hours. Sleeping slightly elevated is another way to avoid triggering acid reflux at night.
Consider purchasing a wedge pillow to help you keep your head slightly elevated at night.
Stay Away from Certain Beverages and Foods
Several foods and beverages can trigger your acid reflux and should be consumed sparingly or avoided altogether. Here is a list of foods and beverages that can make your acid reflux even worse:
- Onion
- Garlic
- Caffeinated beverages
- Spicy and fatty foods
- Alcohol
- Chocolate
There are other foods and beverages that you might not realize can actually make your acid reflux worse. For example, tomatoes are very acidic and even eating ketchup can trigger your acid reflux.
Increase Your Fiber Intake
In addition to helping regulate your digestive system, eating a diet that is rich in high-fiber foods can actually help lessen the symptoms associated with acid reflux. Here are a few fiber-rich foods that you should add to your diet:
- Whole-wheat pasta
- Grains
- Broccoli
- Baked potatoes
- Beans
- Brown rice
As with any other foods, you should eat fiber-rich foods in moderation. Your doctor can help you create a plan to introduce healthy fiber into your diet.
Avoid Stress and Ease Your Anxiety
Finally, you might be surprised to learn that stress and anxiety can actually make your acid reflux even worse. Luckily, there are several simple things you can do to help manage your anxiety. For example, avoid stressful situations, meditate, or even go for a walk.
From avoiding certain foods to easing your anxiety, there are several simple lifestyle changes and natural treatments to help you with your acid reflux.
For more information, contact a local company like Gastro Health.