Preparations For Acupuncture Treatments
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that works by stimulating the nerves in your body with thin needles inserted at different acupuncture points. The practice of acupuncture has been in existence in China for thousands of years. If you are interested in having acupuncture treatments for a physical ailment or condition, it is recommended that you discuss these treatments with your physician and read about acupuncture online or in books. If you decide to have acupuncture treatments, here are some things to consider before your appointments:
Nutrition: It is best to have a small meal or snack before you have an acupuncture treatment. This will give your body and mind some energy and sustenance before, during, and after your treatment. It is recommended to eat a balanced meal or snack consisting of some protein, whole grains, vegetables, and/or fruit. Avoid caffeine, sugar, and highly-colored drinks such as orange soda.
Wear Loose Clothing: Your acupuncturist may not ask you to completely undress before your treatment. He or she may be able to lift your clothing to get adequate access to your appropriate acupuncture points. Loose clothing will allow your clothing to be easily lifted and not have to be removed.
Diagnostic Examination: When you go for an acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist will examine your body and take several measurements. He or she will take your pulse at different sites on your body such as your wrist, elbow, neck, temple, and/or groin. He or she will also examine your tongue as it can be a good diagnostic indicator of what is happening in your body. Your acupuncturist may also look in your eyes, nose, and ears to accurately diagnose your condition.
Relaxation: During your acupuncture treatment, it is best to completely relax, meditate, and think positive thoughts. This will allow your body to respond completely to the treatment without the additional stimulation from stress or anxiety.
Reactions and After Effects: After your acupuncture treatment, you may be sore at the needle sites and possibly have some slight bruising. This soreness and bruising is minor and will usually go away in a day or two. You might see a small red dot where an acupuncture needle was inserted into your body. This is also normal and will go away quickly. Some people feel energized after an acupuncture treatment while others feel completely relaxed. Allow your body to react naturally to get the full benefit of your treatment.
Expectations: Acupuncture treatments are effective when given in a series of treatments over time. These treatments directly correlate with the amount of time that you have had the physical condition that you wish to treat. The longer you have had your condition, the longer it may take to heal your body with acupuncture treatments. Speak to your acupuncturist about the duration of the series of treatments that are needed to help you.
With a relaxed and open mind, you can benefit from acupuncture treatments for many physical ailments and conditions. If you have any unexpected reactions or questions, mention them to your acupuncturist and/or physician and they can explain what is going on inside your body. Within a few weeks or months of consistent acupuncture treatments, you can find that your body is responding well, improving, and healing.
For more information, contact a company like Acupuncture is My Life.