Young Child Overweight? Some Tips To Get Them Down To A Normal Weight
If your young child is overweight and you do not help them now, they will likely continue on this path to becoming an overweight adult. Even though your child is young, this is the perfect time to start helping them get back down to a normal weight. Below is some information about some things you can do.
See Your Child's Pediatrician
The first thing to do is to see your child's pediatrician. They will check their body mass index (BMI). If they are found to be in the 85th to under 95th percentile, they are considered overweight, and if they are over the 95th percentile, they are considered obese.
If your child's BMI is high, the pediatrician can give you information on how you can help your child lose weight. They may also suggest a nutritionist to help you with their eating habits.
The doctor may ask you to bring your child back more than once per year to keep an eye on their weight. This is because being overweight can lead to health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Increase Your Child's Activity
One of the best ways to help with weight problems in children is to increase their activity. This can be done in many ways. Set a limit on television and computer time. Because your child is young, you could take them outside and play with a ball or play tag with them. Consider purchasing a trampoline for your child. This is a fun way to lose weight, and trampolines generally come with a safety net that wraps all the way around them. If there are other children in the neighborhood invite them over. Your child will move around more if there are children for them to play with.
Eat Healthier
Remove all junk food from the home and replace the food with healthy things like fruits and vegetables. If your child drinks juice it may have a lot of sugar in it so check the label. If your child is used to having junk food, remove it a little at a time. Removing everything all at once may make them resist replacing everything with healthy food. Find some recipes that you can make and let your child help you.
Make sure your entire family eats healthy and gets activity to show your child you are doing this so all of you will be healthier instead of focusing on their weight.