What Are The Causes And Prevention Options For Acne?
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions and can occur even when you're done with your teenage years. These blemishes do not just look unsightly; they can also be painful. If acne isn't treated properly, it can leave behind nasty scars that make your skin tone uneven. However, all hope is not lost. It is possible to clear your acne if you find out the cause of it and the best ways to treat it.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Acne?
Hormones: When your hormones are out of whack, you could develop acne on your skin. Hormonal breakouts are common during puberty, menstrual cycles and pregnancy. Women are more likely to get hormonal acne than men. According to WebMD, oral contraceptives, like Estrostep and Yaz, can help normalize hormonal changes, improving acne.
Certain Foods: If you want to keep your complexion clear, what you eat matters. According to WebMD, eating too many omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3 fatty acids can lead to inflammation, which can affect the way your skin looks. To prevent an imbalance of these fats, you should eat more fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon, and buy beef and eggs from animals that were grass fed.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: This health condition occurs when a woman's hormones are imbalanced and can lead to a lot of unpleasant symptoms like weight gain, thinning hair and fertility problems. It can also increase the likelihood of developing acne. One of the most common ways to treat acne caused by this condition is to use oral contraceptives. According to Medscape, these drugs help repress gonadotropin secretion and ovarian steroid synthesis, which lowers the production of androgen and improves acne.
Cosmetics: If your skin is sensitive, certain makeup brands may cause you to break out. To avoid this issue, look for makeup products that are natural and oil-free.
Stress: Mostly everyone experiences stress from time to time, and it can have a negative effect on your skin. When you experience a lot of anxiety, your skin tends to produce more oil, which can contribute to acne. Keep your stress under control by sleeping eight hours a night, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. It is also helpful to engage in stress management techniques such as meditation and yoga.
How Can You Prevent Acne?
Acne can damage your self-esteem, so it is best to prevent it in the first place. Here are several effective ways to lower your risk of developing acne:
Change Your Pillowcases: A lot of dirt and sweat can accumulate on your pillowcases over the course of a week, increasing your risk of breakouts. Remember to change your pillowcases at least once a week.
Do not Touch Your Face: If you tend to touch your face throughout the day, you could increase your chances of getting acne. All the oil and dirt on your hands can transfer to your face, clogging your pores and causing irritation.
Be Careful With Sunscreen: Although you should wear a sunscreen every day to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, choosing the wrong one can clog your pores. It is important to buy a sunscreen that is specifically made for your face. It won't contain all the fragrances and oils that can irritate your skin and cause breakouts.
Exercise Regularly: Because exercise makes your sweat, it can remove toxins and dirt that contribute to acne. If you work out most days of the week, you are more likely to have clear and healthy skin. Remember to do a combination of aerobic and strength training exercises.
If all else fails, remember that getting in touch with a professional, such as a dermatologist, can help give you options for your personal skin care. Click to read more.